Using the blog for good instead of evil …

How it looked last time I shaved down to a mo ...

How it looked last time I shaved down to a mo …

This is kind of like a ‘commercial ad break’, as NHL TV likes to call it. But for a good cause…

I’m doing Movember this year, to help raise money for men’s health. I recently interviewed one of the founders of Movember, Trav Garone, and the people who actually make sure the money goes to good causes – which it really does ($A850 million and counting, when I spoke to them …) and it made me realise that I had to stomp on my ego and rejoin, after a break of a few years.

Trav Garone, founder of Movember and a good guy ... Pic: Royal Auto

Trav Garone, founder of Movember and a good guy … Pic: Royal Auto

The break being because I look really fucking terrible with a moustache.

but hey ho, it’s only a month, and it’s only my face …

So feel free to laugh at my hideous looks at the rink, or away from the rink, as long as you donate to help the cause.

The link to donate to my Movember campaign is here.

And if you feel really generous, or hate me but would still like to support men’s health, then the link to the Icehouse crew’s Movember team, led by Matt Armstrong, is here.